Stakeholder Needs
The SeaLion Mission Architecture is guided by a series of stakeholder needs, listed below.
1.1: Primary Mission Objective A1
1.2: Primary Mission Objective A2
1.3: Primary Mission Objective A3
1.4: Primary Mission Objective A4
1.5: Primary Mission Objective A5
2.1: Secondary Mission Objective B1
2.2: Secondary Mission Objective B2
3.1: Tertiary Mission Objective C1
3.2: Tertiary Mission Objective C2
3.3: Tertiary Mission Objective C3
Stakeholder Needs Mapping
User Stories
The SeaLion Mission Architecture’s stakeholder needs are then used to identify a series of user stories which then lead to design decisions captured in data structure and activity definitions.
1: Ping Satellite
Ping the satellite in order to establish UHF communication link with Virginia ground station
Derived From:
2: View Satellite Beacon Data
View satellite beacon data (health or mission data) to verify that TLE’s correspond with expected orbit profile and/or to validate that a mission mode was successful
3: Send Request to Set Interrupt Timer
Update beacon rate to transmit every 30 minutes to conserve power
4: Request Telemetry or EventLog Data
Request satellite telemetry packets for local verification/validation of onboard AODS computations
4.1: Request Satellite Health Data
Request satellite health data packet to verify or validate TLE data corresponding to expected orbit profile based on pre-computed orbit propagation model
Derived From:
4.1.1: Request Satellite Health Data via S-Band Radio
Request satellite health data packet via S-band radio to verify or validate TLE data corresponding to expected orbit profile based on pre-computed orbit propagation model
4.2: Request Satellite Mission Data
Request satellite mission data to verify that TLE’s & AODS sensor data correspond with expected orbit profile and/or validate that a mission mode was successful
5: Send Request to Set Mission Mode Duration
send a request to set Mission Mode 1 duration to 25 minutes
User Stories Mapping
User stories as Use Case Diagram
Data Structures
This section covers each data structure type in the SeaLion Mission Architecture.
Satellite Health Data Packet
Purpose: Data structure for satellite health data packet used for beacon telemetry
call_sign: {{call_sign}} battery_health: {{battery_health}} temperature_battery: {{temperature_battery}} mode: {{mode}} tle_data: {{tle_data}}
Field | Type | Item Type | Description | Source |
call_sign |
string |
Identifying call sign for the Sealion mission. |
battery_health |
float |
Percent value indicating the remaining charge of the batteries. |
temperature_battery |
float |
The temperature of the battery. Units in Kelvin. |
mode |
integer |
Integer value indicating current mission mode. 0 = Safe, 1 = mission mode 1, 2 = mission mode 2, 3 = mission mode 3. |
tle_data |
TLE data from orbit propogator at time of beacon. |
Derived From:
Satellite GPS Data
Purpose: Data structure for GPS data used for orbit propagation
time_stamp: {{time_stamp}} altitude_data_GPS: {{altitude_data}} lattitude_GPS: {{lattitude}} longitude_GPS: {{longitude}}
Field | Type | Item Type | Description | Source |
time_stamp |
string |
Time stamp when GPS data was acquired. |
altitude_data_GPS |
float |
The altitude data of the satellite from GPS. |
lattitude_GPS |
float |
Lattitude coordinate of the satellite from GPS. |
longitude_GPS |
float |
Longitude coordinate of the satellite from GPS. |
Satellite AODS Sensor Data
Purpose: Data structure for satellite AODS sensor data used for attitude determination or incremental orbit propogation
imu_gyro_x: {{imu_gyro_x}} imu_gyro_y: {{imu_gyro_y}} imu_gyro_z: {{imu_gyro_z}} imu_magnetometer_x: {{imu_magnetometer_x}} imu_magnetometer_y: {{imu_magnetometer_y}} imu_magnetometer_z: {{imu_magnetometer_z}} sun_sensor_pitch_pos: {{sun_sensor_pitch_pos}} sun_sensor_pitch_neg: {{sun_sensor_pitch_neg}} sun_sensor_yaw_pos: {{sun_sensor_yaw_pos}} sun_sensor_yaw_neg: {{sun_sensor_yaw_neg}} sun_sensor_roll_pos: {{sun_sensor_roll_pos}} sun_sensor_roll_neg: {{sun_sensor_roll_neg}} time_stamp: {{time_stamp}}
Field | Type | Item Type | Description | Source |
imu_gyro_x |
float |
The angular rate of the body with to respective to the x-axis in the IMU’s reference frame. |
imu_gyro_y |
float |
The angular rate of the body with to respective to the y-axis in the IMU’s reference frame. |
imu_gyro_z |
float |
The angular rate of the body with to respective to the z-axis in the IMU’s reference frame. |
imu_magnetometer_x |
float |
The magnetic field strength with respective to the x-axis in the IMU’s reference frame. |
imu_magnetometer_y |
float |
The magnetic field strength with respective to the y-axis in the IMU’s reference frame. |
imu_magnetometer_z |
float |
The magnetic field strength with respective to the z-axis in the IMU’s reference frame. |
sun_sensor_pitch_pos |
float |
Sun sensor measurement with respect to positive pitch angle. |
sun_sensor_pitch_neg |
float |
Sun sensor measurement with respect to negative pitch angle. |
sun_sensor_yaw_pos |
float |
Sun sensor measurement with respect to positive yaw angle. |
sun_sensor_yaw_neg |
float |
Sun sensor measurement with respect to negative yaw angle. |
sun_sensor_roll_pos |
float |
Sun sensor measurement with respect to positive roll angle. |
sun_sensor_roll_neg |
float |
Sun sensor measurement with respect to negative roll angle. |
time_stamp |
string |
Time stamp of the last transmission. |
Derived From:
Purpose: Data structure for the TLE data computed from GPS data or orbit propagator
tle_line_1: {{tle_line_1}} tle_line_2: {{tle_line_2}}
Field | Type | Item Type | Description | Source |
tle_line_1 |
TLELine1 |
Data for TLE line 1 |
tle_line_2 |
TLELine2 |
Data for TLE line 2 |
Derived From:
TLE Line 1
Purpose: Data structure for the first line of the TLE data
line_number: {{line_number}} satellite_number: {{satellite_number}} classification: {{classification}} international_designator_1: {{international_designator_1}} international_designator_2: {{international_designator_2}} international_designator_3: {{international_designator_3}} epoch_year: {{epoch_year}} epoch: {{epoch}} first_dt: {{first_dt}} second_dt: {{second_dt}} bstar: {{bstar}} eph_type: {{eph_type}} element_number: {{element_number}} checksum: {{checksum}}
Field | Type | Item Type | Description | Source |
line_number |
string |
Line number of element data (Column 01) |
satellite_number |
string |
Satellite number (Column 03-07) |
classification |
string |
Classification of satellite (Column 08) |
international_designator_1 |
string |
International designator 1 (last two digits of launch year) (Column 10-11) |
international_designator_2 |
string |
International designator 2 (launch number of the year) (Column 12-14) |
international_designator_3 |
string |
International designator 3 (piece of the launch) (Column 15-17) |
epoch_year |
string |
Epoch year (last two digits of year) (Column 19-20) |
epoch |
string |
Epoch (day of the year and fractional portion of the day) (Column 21-32) |
first_dt |
string |
First time derivative of the mean motion (Column 34-43) |
second_dt |
string |
Second time derivative of the mean motion (leading decimal point assumed) (Column 45-52) |
bstar |
string |
BSTAR drag term (leading decimal point assumed) (Column 54-61) |
eph_type |
string |
Ephemeris type (Column 63) |
element_number |
string |
Element number (Column 65-68) |
checksum |
string |
Checksum (modulo 10) (letters, blanks, periods, plus signs = 0; minus signs = 1) (Column 69) |
Derived From:
TLE Line 2
Purpose: Data structure for the second line of the TLE data
line_number: {{line_number}} satellite_number: {{satellite_number}} inclination: {{inclination}} raan: {{raan}} ecc: {{ecc}} perigee: {{perigee}} mean_anomaly: {{mean_anomaly}} mean_motion: {{mean_motion}} rev_epoch: {{rev_epoch}} checksum: {{checksum}}
Field | Type | Item Type | Description | Source |
line_number |
string |
Line number of element data (Column 01) |
satellite_number |
string |
Satellite number (Column 03-07) |
inclination |
string |
Inclination (degrees) (Column 09-16) |
raan |
string |
Right ascension of the ascending node (degrees) (Column 18-25) |
ecc |
string |
Eccentricity (leading decimal point assumed) (Column 27-33) |
perigee |
string |
Argument of perigee (degrees) (Column 35-42) |
mean_anomaly |
string |
Mean anomaly (degrees) (Column 44-51) |
mean_motion |
string |
Mean motion (revs per day) (Column 53-63) |
rev_epoch |
string |
Revolution number at epoch (revs) (Column 64-68) |
checksum |
string |
Checksum (modulo 10) (letters, blanks, periods, plus signs = 0; minus signs = 1) (Column 69) |
Derived From:
Mission Data
Purpose: Defines EVR (event) elements to be recorded to the eventLog during a mission mode
entry_tle: {{entry_tle}} obc_sensors: {{obc_sensors}} mission_data: {{mission_data}} exit_tle: {{exit_tle}}
Field | Type | Item Type | Description | Source |
entry_tle |
TLE at time of beginning of mission mode |
obc_sensors |
AODSSensorData |
AODS Sensor data |
mission_data |
string |
Data recorded during mission mode |
exit_tle |
TLE at time of end of mission mode |