Stakeholder Needs

LinuxKernelDevOpsArchitecture is guided by a series of stakeholder needs, listed below.

Stakeholder Need 1: Distributed Development

The linux kernel should be developed & maintained by a distributed team.

User Stories

LinuxKernelDevOpsArchitecture’s stakeholder needs are then used to identify a series of user stories which then lead to design decisions captured in data structure and activity definitions.

User Story 1: Revert Changes

As a kernel developer I want to revert to a prior state or version of the linux kernel project so that I can undo a breaking change.

Example: revert changes to load balancer in completely fair scheduler

User Story 2: Branching

As a kernel developer I want to create a new branch to commit changes to so that I can develop features or bug fixes to linux kernel without breaking production code.

Example: create a feature branch for implementing CFS runque as rbtree